Happy Birthday To You
Name-Keyansh Mayur Chhajed.
Class- Nursery

Hon. Shri.Sameer B. Wagh ,

Dr. Bhushan V. Kardile

Mrs. Ashwini S. Pawar

Mrs. Ashwini S. Pawar (Headmistress)

K.K.Wagh English School, Saraswati Nagar, Nashik The school is a temple of learning where the student spends his entire childhood to be moulded to a responsible citizen of tomorrow. I can hear the chatter of eager minds, the shouts of excitement from the athletes, the thump of dancer feet and the sound of melodious voices. The energy, movement and enthusiasm permeate the atmosphere at K.K.Wagh Englishl School. As a School we think how to engage students and while planning the lesson, how to make it productive, how can we make sure that the students absorb the contents. With these constant question in our mind we continuously upgrade our day to day teaching. From scholastic programmes, we seek .....


Sculpting is more than just a fun activity – it's an important part of a child's development. This is how art helps children develop a range of skills, including the following. Creativity – Children learn to use their imagination and become inventive.


Working together to create a nurturing inclusive and rights respecting community where learning is exciting , challenging and relevant.

Recent Activity

Life Skill Activity- KKW Market
Life Skill Activity-  Healthy Teeth
Life Skill Activity- Sandwich Making

Recent Achievements

Recent Events

Recent Competition

Pen Stand and Wall Hanging Competition
Essay Writing Competition
Elocution Competition



Contact Details

  • K. K. Wagh English School

    Nashik 422003.


    [email protected]